TIC TIMOR | Agência da Tecnologia Informação e Comunicação
info@tic.gov.tl +670 77050505


Díli, August 20th, 2024— The Executive Director of the TIC TIMOR I.P. Agency, Mr. Venâncio Pinto and his team held a meeting today with the "UN Woman Program Manager" Mrs. Nuntana Tangwinik and her team, in the TIC TIMOR I.P. building in Caicoli.

The aim of the meeting is to discuss issues faced by UN Woman facing during theses times. They informed the TIC TIMOR that, they have established cooperation with several working partners to develop their Application in order to support their project, unfortunately, so far, they still not have specific application in accordance with  their goal for the project to be implemented. For this purpose, they request the assistance of TIC TIMOR to provide necessary support regarding ways on how to develop their application system in order to support their project.

The UN Women stated that they are interested to know and knowledge the role of the TIC TIMOR I.P. and importance of the establishment of the systemin which concentrate more on the protection of the  child violence, in order to provide protection for the children, thus be able to support their project which the UN Women is going to establish in the November of 2024.

At the same occasion, the Director of the Application Information and Development System (DDSIA Portuguese acronym). Mr. Justo Fernandes also informed that, the TIC TIMOR Agency is an State Agency which it mission is to provide service to the public in from of Infrastructure Network, Datacenter VPS (Virtual Private Server), Colocation, application Development  in  a total number of  168.

The Agency also has the mission to provide technical support for clients, whenever they require  support of the TIC TIMOR.

The meeting was participated also by Dr. Eusebio Guterres, the main Adviser of the TIC TIMOR I.P.

(Média TIC)